3 Common LASIK Myths
Voluntary eye surgery is a personal choice. For most people, LASIK eye surgery is the most convenient way to rid themselves of the daily wearing of prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses along with the cost and maintenance that go along with them. Laser eye surgery is so common that you likely know at least one person who has successfully undergone the procedure. Most people are not concerned about the length of time LASIK has been approved, the improvement of technology or the candidacy requirements for surgery. Yet, with a consistent patient satisfaction rate of 96%, and a 99% rate reported by the American Refractive Surgery Council, there are still misconceptions about LASIK to debunk. Atwal Eye will provide facts about the 3 most common LASIK myths.
One of the biggest concerns our patients have is that LASIK will wear off over time. While eyes do change over time due to age, the part of the eye that is altered during LASIK surgery is the cornea. The cornea helps the eye to focus light so that you can see clearly. During surgery, the cornea is permanently reshaped as an excimer laser removes a thin layer of corneal tissue. With this new shape, light rays can focus clearly on the retina, the light sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye responsible for transmitting and interpreting the images you see. LASIK is painless, accurate and improves vision for a lifetime. While age-related conditions may alter vision in the future and may require a patient to need reading glasses, LASIK surgery results will not wear off over time.
Another myth about LASIK is that all laser eye surgeries are the same and patients should just focus on the cheapest option possible. Keep in mind that cost, worth and value, while similar terms that relate to the financial aspect of surgical costs, because LASIK is considered elective and most often an out-of-pocket expense, it is important to weigh all your options of LASIK surgery and know the difference in what these terms bring to your eye care. Your medical billing statement will factor in costs associated with the level of vision correction required, the technology that will be used during surgery and the surgeon’s experience and technique. Your quality of vision for the rest of your life is one of the most important investments you can make. While budget is an obvious concern, finding the best deal is not nearly as crucial as finding the right surgeon and trusting in their ability in ensuring you achieve your vision goals.
With that in mind, the third myth to challenge is that the laser does all the work, so it really does not matter what doctor or practice you choose. While the laser is sophisticated in correcting nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism, the level of expertise from a board-certified surgeon is critical to restoring and improving vision. The laser will not provide you customized care for both pre-and post-operative surgery. Setting the laser starts with thorough medical and vision history as well as a series of tests before surgery to make sure vision is corrected completely and accurately to avoid a secondary surgery or any unnecessary complications. Take the time to find the best surgeon for your unique needs.
For a LASIK evaluation, contact Atwal Eye by calling 716-892-2020 or booking online at WEBSITE.